The Pirates: The Last Royal Treasure | Movie Review 2022 | Is it worth watching?

 Movie review 🍿:- 🌟🌟🌟

About the movie:-

Viewers who like Pirates of the Caribbean will enjoy this Korean dude. The Pirates: The Last Royal Treasure has plenty of tongue-in-cheek comedy and smart dialogue that add a brisk atmosphere to the epic, fast-paced story with great special effects, well-choreographed fights, exciting battles and a charismatic cast. There are plenty of favorite pirate movie tropes – giant whales, adorable penguins, coded maps – plus a K-pop star!

The sudden flashbacks and jumps into subplots are sometimes confusing, but fans of adventure and pirates can easily let it go and just enjoy the ride. Bloody violence and crude language are best for teens and older.

The film follows the story of Captain Hae-Rang and her crew as they embark on a quest that leads them to a secret hoard of treasure.

Movie Summary- 

 The story follows the exploits of Captain Hae- Rang and her crew as they set out in hunt of a economic treasure. still, along the way, he encounters a group of fishers and crosses paths with the attractive Mu- Chi, who boasts of being the stylish swordsman in Goryeo. After some double- crossing, dissensions , and disaster, the two sides come together to find the royal gold that can prepare them for life. It's actually quite a simple cost, although along the way the group encounters a rival group of rovers who have the same idea, leading to a chase as they both try to get down with the gold. As the film reaches its thrilling climax, the rival group catches up with Mu- Chi and Hae- Rang. Mu- Chi faces off against a general with whom he has a history. The two have worked together in the history, but now they're adversaries. The general injures Mu- Chi, but he continues to fight, ultimately joined by members of his crew who help tip the scales in his favor and help kill the general. 

  Meanwhile, Hae- Rang confronts the other boat's general while trying to baffle his gunships. still, a stormy explosion causes the ocean to collapse and come a whirlpool in which she's forced to navigate. There are some parallels then to At World's End, especially when Hae- Rang tries to sail around the water to safety. With her expert ocean- sailing chops, Hae- Rang is successful, hardly avoiding the rush of a monstrous surge that threatens to kill them all. A hopeless general turns the cannons on her boat and attempts to sabotage her escape. still, the exploding lava sees him corrupt and Hae- Rang survives. still, he does so without his boat as the swells will destroy it anyway. 

   While all of this is going on, Mak- Yi comes across a penguin that happens to have a gold slipup in its mouth. He swims down, adhering to a rope attached to a penguin, where he finds a huge boat full of gold. still, it's also guarded by a group of penguins who appear to be indigenous( and sentient, if the multitudinous pokes and poo jokes are anything to go in). After the original hostility, Mak- Yi is suitable to keep the gold for herself. Mak- Yi emerges from the delve

    and manages to reunite with the rest of the crew, gold in hitch. With the group agitated, Mu- Chi and Hae- Rang share a kiss and bond as a couple to lead their crew forward. With the lost treasure in their grasp and a brand new boat to sail the swell with, they ride out into the evening. As we fade to black. While there is not important to The Last King's Treasure, the story does manage to ameliorate on its troll- faced boding, along with adding some rip- roaring action. In the end, the good guys survive, the bad guys corrupt, and everything is left open for a possible effect in the future.

What people think about this movie 🍿:-

(1) Silliness and lots of action if that's what lights your fire. This gives up some of the strengths I usually associate with Korean drama (clever plots, strong rounded characters, great acting) and I almost get away with it. Partly because it doesn't try to be anything other than what it is: an action comedy. And both the action and the comedy scratch the bar.

(2) Does not meet Korean standards. Good cast but mediocre script and sloppy direction with inexplicable scene shifts that distract. It has some nice moments but the first movie with Son Yi Jin is much better.

(3) Not my cup of tea, that's for sure. Basically a Korean version of PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN complete with naval battles and lots of CGI animals along the way. Young. A photogenic cast more rooted in fantasy than any historical reality. One of the guys with the disheveled hair is seriously annoying, plus there's a K-pop star. Fast paced and with lots of action which I recommend and the usual strong direction but this kind of silly comedy is not for me.

(4) South Koreans are masters of all genres, they have been making the best movies on the planet for 20 years. Every genre except comedy. Either that, or their sense of humor is just off the clock and they prefer physical comedy and facial expressions three notches above what we'd consider too much even in stage acting. Shame because the script isn't terrible and had potential.

(5) If you want to relax while learning Korean history, this is your movie. But if you want some jaw-dropping Korean action, this one doesn't live up to your expectations. It's just a light hearted action comedy. Have fun. The CGI is pretty good

(6) The main reason why I watched the whole thing and didn't stop after 40 minutes is solely on Han yeo-joo. She is a fantastic actress. A lot of it is too over the top to be funny, but it does the opposite and it just pissed me off even more. Most characters aren't that capable.The story line is not well developed. A basic treasure hunt with an unnecessary romance that doesn't really develop?! They could have just left it out.The entire middle section is stretched and then the end is rushed. They should have shortened the film for a better pace.

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